GREENPLUS - OIL PALM Email This Print This

The All New Foliar Nutrient For Oil Palm Plantation - Providing the Technology you need to realize the required growth & vigour of your crops

Green Plus: Bio-activated for easy mix and absorption
GREEN PLUS is a revolutionary new foliar nutrient bio-synergized to promote rapid absorption into plant tissues for fast growth and development. It provides a complex mixture of macro-nutrients, essential  micro-nutrients, fortified with naturally derived growth-promoting phyto-chemicals for stimulating vegetative growth of treated oil palm seeding in the nursery.

Green Plus works as a specialized nutrient for rapidly growing oil palm plants during structural and foliar growth phases. It promotes development of healthy and dark green foliage/canopy through enhanced foliar chlorophyll production and thus increases the rate of photosynthesis and carbohydrate production needed for rapid growth and vigour of treated plants Green Plus induces plants to absorb more nutrients from the soil by improving root growth and strengthening the root system.

How to use Green Plus?
  1. Green Plus diluted in water is normally sprayed on foliage till run off.
  2. Mix 10 ml of Green Plus to every 3 litres of water for spraying oil palm seedlings in the nursery or young palms in the field at fortnightly intervals.
  3. Conventional knapsack sprayer may be used for spraying Green Plus.
  4. Avoid spraying during flowering stage.
  5. Green Plus is applied as a supplement booster to the normal fertilizer programme as per recommended schedule and dosage.
Nutrient content
Macro-Nutrients g/L
Nitrogen N 100
Phosphorus P2O5 80
Potassium K20 60

Others: Essential micronutrients, key amino-acids and a plant growth promoter.

Benefits of Green Plus
  1. Promotes formation of healthy, dark green foliage/canopy.
  2. Promotes strong rooting for better absorption of soil nutrients.
  3. Enhances overall growth and vigour.
  4. Increases chlorophyll synthesis and photosynthesis.
  5. Minimizes pest and disease attack.
  6. Improves tolerance to environmental stresses.
  7. Promotes uniformity in a given population of seedlings.
  8. Minimizes need for extensive culling.
  9. Ensures establishment success in the field and boost early growth.
For promoting growth vigour in rubber seedlings and budding.

GREEN PLUS- the complete bio-booster liquid nutrient for foliar application on rubber seedlings and other crops.

GREEN PLUS is a foliar liquid nutrient formulation for enhancing vegetative growth and vigour of rubber seedlings and budding.

GREEN PLUS can markedly increase plant growth rate and vigour. It increases chlorophyll production that enhances higher rate of photosynthesis and carbohydrate production.

GREEN PLUS has the advantage of promoting early establishment in the field with minimal percentage of failure. The treated plants develop efficient capacity to utilize nutrients available in the soil by developing a robust root system.

  1. Mix 30-40ml of Green Plus to every 18 litres of water for spraying budded rubber seedlings in the nursery weekly intervals.
  2. Spray the mixture at the first bud emergence.
  3. Green Plus is sprayed on foliage till run-off. A knapsack sprayer of 18 litres can cover about 5,000 seedling plants.
  4. Green Plus is applied as a supplement booster to the normal fertilizer programme as per recommended schedule and dosage.
  5. Spray in early morning or late afternoon. The spray should be free from rain for at least 2-3 hours.

* An effective & potential folier nutrient for rubber nurseries

Benefits of Green Plus:
  1. Promotes formation of healthy, green foliage/ canopy.
  2. Increase chlorophyll content of leaves and photo synthetic activity.
  3. Enhances shoot growth.
  4. Promotes stronger rooting system.
  5. Minimizes pest and disease attack.
  6. Enhances tolerance to environmental stresses.
  7. Promotes uniformity in a given population of seedlings/budding
  8. Minimizes need for extensive culling.
  9. Achieves faster field establishment with minimal failure rate and initial boost in growth.   

* The Enriched Foliar Nutrient Formulation For Enhanced Growth & Vigour of Vegetables, Fruits trees and ornamentals.

Beneficial Effects of Green Plus

The nutrient efficacy of Green Plus is observed when applied in very low concentrations directly on the foliage of young plants.

  1. GREEN PLUS promotes formation of a healthy, dark green foliage/canopy in treated plants.
  2. GREEN PLUS stimulates chlorophyll synthesis in the leaves resulting in enhanced rate of photosynthesis and carbohydrate production for rapid growth and vigour of treated plants.
  3. GREEN PLUS induces efficient absorption of nutrients from the soil by promoting root growth and strengthening the plant root system.
  4. GREEN PLUS is enriched with a naturally derived plant growth promoter that can markedly increase plant growth rate and secure early maturity of treated plants.

Guidelines on use

  • Mix 40 ml of Green Plus to every 18 litres of water for spraying jatropha seedlings in the nursery or young plants in the field at fortnightly intervals.
  • Mix 10 ml Green Plus to every 3-4 litres of water and apply weekly intervals to plants in both nursery and field, ornamental plants, leafy and fruit vegetables, and wayside trees.
  • Mix 20-40 ml of Green Plus to every 18 litres of water for spraying common fruit crops and flowering plants. Spray twice at inflorescence initiation.
Providing the potent foliar nutrient to achieve quality produce

GREEN PLUS is a revolutionary new foliar nutrient bio-enriched to promote rapid absorption into plant tissues for fast growth and development. It provides a complex mixture of macro-nutrients. Essential micro-nutrients, fortified with naturally derived growth-promoting phyto-chemicals for stimulating vegetative growth of a broad spectrum of plants and plantation crops.

Green Plus works as a specialized nutrient for rapid development of healthy, dark green foliage/canopy and enhanced chlorophyll production. This in turn increase the rate of photosynthesis and carbohydrate production needed for rapid growth and vigour treated plants.

Green Plus induces more nutrients absorption from the soil by improving root growth and strengthening the root system.

Who should use the product?

Oil Palm plantation managers, commercial growers of vegetables and fruit crops, horticulturists, entrepreneurs in production of forest trees, herbs and ornamentals and agricultural extension agencies.